
Globus Tours with Germany

Germany is made up of sixteen states with Berlin being the capital and largest city. Germanic tribes date back to the Pre-Roman Iron Age and the area of Germany had connections to the Holy Roman Empire. As a result of the German Revolution in 1918, Germany was declared a republic. Adolph Hitler and Germany were predominant figures in World War II. Major cities in Germany are: Hamburg, Munich, Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Bremen, Nuremberg, Bonn, Mannheim, Wiesbaden, Hanover, Dusseldorf, Mainz, Dresden and Magdeburg. Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Siemens, Volkswagen, Adidas, Audi, Porsche, Bayer, Bosch and Nivea are all global brands out of Germany. Germany's science achievements are numerous: modern phyics from work of Albert Einstein and Max Planck and Rontgen; in microbiology, Ferdinand Cohn and Robert Koch; math with Gauss, Hilbert, Riemann, Leibniz,Weierstrass, Weyl and Felix Klein. Inventors: Johannes Gutenberg, Hans Geiger, Konrad Zuse, Ferdinand von Zepplin, Otto Lilienthal, Gottlieb Daimler, Rudolf Diesel. Karl Benz, and Wernher von Braun. From historic landmarks, medieval castles, beautiful scenery, colorful festivals, and great dining, Germany will leave you wanting more. Popular attractions include Berlin, Munich, the Black Forest, Neuschwanstein castle, October Fest, and Christmas Markets. Join a Globus tour and discover Germany!

Globus Escorted Tours featuring Germany:

Click the Globus Tour Code to View Tour Details, Dates, Itinerary and booking information.
CodeGlobus Journeys - Tour nameDescriptionDaysRetail FromMap
ZB German Vista 8 days from Berlin to Munich 8 $2,249.00
HD European Sampler 9 days from Amsterdam to Paris 9 $2,929.00
RS Imperial Splendors 10 days from Munich to Munich 10 $2,499.00
HDT European Sampler with London 11 days from Amsterdam to London 11 $3,549.00
ZD German Highlights 12 days from Frankfurt to Frankfurt 12 $3,269.00
RV Poland, East Germany & World War II 13 days from Warsaw to Munich 13 $3,049.00
HA European Tapestry 14 days from Amsterdam to Paris 14 $3,889.00
RO The Best of Eastern Europe 14 days from Berlin to Berlin 14 $3,229.00
HAT European Tapestry with London 16 days from Amsterdam to London 16 $4,469.00

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